Assignment #1:
Topic: School Uniforms
The school board has decided to create a district wide policy of enforcing school uniforms. Who would you need to interview to find out more information about this topic? What are some good questions to ask? (This is theoretical)
1. List three different sources you could interview for this topic. Three diffrent sources that would know this topic would be the school officials, sutch as principles and staff. The teachers would be a good one as well and most inportantly the students.
2. Create 20 questions you could ask each source and post them on your blog. It will be the same 20 questions for each, so you only have to think of 20 total questions.1.How do you feel about the new policy for uniforms?
2. Do you feel it will change anything on school grounds?
3.Will they change behavior of the students?
4.Do you feel it is right for the distritct to make this choice on there own?
5.Do you think it will change the amount of people that come to school?
6.Will these uniforms cause more harm than attempt to do better?
7.How mutch will these uniforms cost?
8.How strict will you think the uniforms will be?
9.In what grades will this be designated to will it be all?
10. If the uniforms have changes on people do you think other distritcts do the same?
11.What has made the sudden change happen?
12.If you were/are a student how would this affect you?
13.Why are the districts so worried of how there students dress?
14.Shoudent the districts be worried of other more immportant things then how there students dress?
15.Like everything in life there will be rules, what if the student breakes these?
16.Do you feel the districts should use more of there time and state money to improve school learning instead of making there students feel punished and taken away of what they wear that defines them?
17. Do you feel the inforcement of uniforms is a right taken away as in freedom of expression/speech?
18.Do you feel uniforms will not just affect the students and staff but also the perents who have to buy these uniforms?
19.Could uniforms possibley be positive change on learning?
20.If the uniforms were put in every school like the district whants will the district have for time to talk about being able to provide tex books for the school that need them who's ones are falling apart?
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