Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Caption and evaluation practice

Fiery protest
As Colombian protesters filled the capital last week to revolt against the new taxing of small business, the aggravation of the police turned the the crowds violent. This Protester can be seen about to through a cocktail at riot control after the squad brutally began assaulting the crowed.

This Photo follows the rule of Depth due to the fact it has multiple layers of the same thing and people and objects in the foreground that balances the photo out.

This photo follows the rule of simplicity/background due to the man in the photo being the main subject and standing out from his background that is pretty simple and does not take away form the main subject.

This photo has a few rules in it that are not really just one as if the photographer added multiple rules in one shot however not complete. One of the first rule I notice is rule of thirds that is the group of horses on the bottom right corner. This rule is not complete due to one horse being on the bottom left corner alone unbalancing the photo. An other rule that seems more complete is the rule of lines/leading lines, witch are the small dirt roads that lead through the pasture for a distance witch catches the eyes of the viewer. I feel since both rules are not fully concentrated on just one rule so it is hard to be able to call the photo just one rule.

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