Wednesday, April 18, 2012

5 Ws and the H

Story 1
 Who? The Air Canada crew and Passengers
Who is involved? All the passengers and flight crew along with the pilots
Who does/did the situation affect? It injured people and could have been very fatal
Who said so? Passengers on the flight expressed the terrible experience of being violently trown up to the ceiling and dropped back down to the floor when the plane nose dived.

What? An air Canada violently took a nose dive.
What is happening? In the  air Canada flight There are only two pilots were as an American flight there is two plus a relief pilot and on the are Canada on of the pilots needed to sleep for a bit witch is only supposed to last for 40 min, he wakes disorientated.
What did happen? The Pilot woke very disorientated and believed that the light from a distant plant Venus was an other plane headed directly at them and with fear of colliding took the controls and put the plane in a nose dive, tossing the passengers like rag dolls.
What are the consequences? The biggest consequences is the safety of the passengers that could have been extremely hurt, the air line could loose trust.
What is different about this? What is different about this is that it is not something that can happen all the time and can make you very paranoid the next time you have to fly somewhere.
What are the choices?

When? January, 14, 2011
When did or will this happen? On The Air Canada flight January,14,2011
When was this discovered? When the plane landed safely it was believed to have been just a cause of turbulence however later was to be discovered from the experience of The Head Pilot.
Where? On a flight from Toronto, Canada to Zurich, Switzerland.
Where did or will this happen? Over the Atlantic Headed to Switzerland.

Why? This Happen because the pilots of the aircraft's do not get enough rest.
Why did this happen or will it happen? The Pilots are very tired and do not get enough rest with the flights that are at unnatural flights for pilots that need that time to sleep.

How? It was a simple mistake that if it was real could have acutely saved the lives of the passengers and crew rather that ending up endangering them.
How did it or will it happen? Simple Mistake that could have happen to anyone.
How much does it cost? It could have cost the lives of everyone on the flight
How many people does this affect? Everyone on the flight.
How do you feel about this? It makes me worry that the pilots are not getting enough rest and help and the passengers do not see that it was a mistake but if it was real could have saved them all.

Story 2
Who? 6  year old
Who is involved? Georgia police, creek side elementary
Who does/did the situation affect? The student, and her classmates, teachers, principle, police department.
Who said so?
The police officers that responded to the call of school officials that stated that the student was damaging school property and trowing a tantrum.

What? 6 year old girl trows tantrum at school
What is happening? 6 year old student trows a tantrum
What did happen? school officials call police to apprehend student.
What are the consequences? The parents of the student are questioning the decision of the school and the police department of punishing the girl to harsh and using unnecessary procedure.
What is different about this? It question the authority of the school.
What are the choices? The school could have chosen to contact parents first.

When? A Friday morning around 2005
When did or will this happen? 2005 during the school day
When was this discovered? The morning when the student was destroying the room and causing cohos.

Where? Creekside elementary.
Where did or will this happen?
In class room at creekside
Why? Student was trowing a tantrum.
Why did this happen or will it happen? Student would not calm down.

Student would not calm down so had to be controlled.
How did it or will it happen? Student needed to be calmed down so This was the only way to call the police when the school could not do it.
How much does it cost? It could cost the school's and police department's trust from the child and family.
How many people does this affect? It affects the Family of the child, the child herself, the police department, the school.
How do you feel about this?
It needed to be down but could maybe have be handled more delicately however when it comes to other students safety things that have to be done have to be done.
Story 3
Who? Austin Fisher a Senior baseball player
Who is involved? Austin's mother who has cancer, his high school in Ohio.
Who does/did the situation affect? Austin, his school and 3,000 supporters of him.
Who said so? Austin himself.

What? Austin not being able to walk with his graduating class
What is happening? Austin not allowed to walk with his class because of absences.
What did happen? People helped petition for Austin to be allowed to walk.
What are the consequences? The school was looked at very controversial.
What is different about this? Many people experience things like Austin every day.
What are the choices? The school should have naturally let him walk on how his credits were not on absences.

When? Graduating class of 2012 this year.
When did or will this happen? This year of Austin's senior year.
When was this discovered? After Austin's story went viral.

Where? Carleton school district in Ohio
Where did or will this happen? At Austins school in Carleton school district.

Why? Because of the vast absences of Austin.
Why did this happen or will it happen?
Austin missed many days to care for his mother who had cancer.
How? The school would not excuse Austin's absences.
How did it or will it happen? Austin would miss to care for his mother who had cancer and missed so much he was not going to be allowed to walk with his class at graduation.
How much does it cost? It cost Austin and his family to stress, The school district to be seen as wrong doing, and the back up of Austin by 3,000 people.
How many people does this affect? It affected Austin and his family, The school district at 3,000 others.
How do you feel about this? I feel it was right to excuse Austin, however many other kids go through the same thing even worse than Austin everyday and are not excused so easy so I can see why it can be controversial.

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