Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Newspaper story questions

September 11th memorial ceremony
The memorial ceremony began at 8:15 Tuesday, September 11th 2012. The ceremony began with Akins and Bowie ROTC saber team raising the flag and then lowering the flag to half staff in co-moderation for the lost lives in the terrorist attack on September 11th 2001. joined by Akins chior, and band member Cameron LaSonde.  
Question to ask ROTC
Who are the members in The ROTC saber team including leader.
Tessa Samano- Saber team captain
Kelsy Hernandez
Madison Peterson
Pedro Peterson
Natalie Chapman
Uriel Martinez
Carlos De Luna
Brandon Jarrett
Braden Wallace
Maritza Ramirez
Jason Castillo
Mallchi Garcia

The name of the Sargent
Sargent Rios
Colonel Oliverio
Speaker at ceremony
Cheyenne Dobson -Corps Commander,and is currently in National Guard as a private first class
Bowie Saber Team joined Akins in ceremony, Commander of Bowie saber-Phillip Forrest
how did September 11th effect them? 
Many of the Saber team members had the same emotion towards 9/11 as we all do, we were so young to know what was going on, however it has affected our now future and was a tragic event.
How many other school do you think are committed to pay their respects?
Tessa Samano leader of Akins Saber team believes it is right to give respects and continue to  pay respects to the victims and heroes of that day. Tessa believes that in the future the younger generation will not know as mutch about 9/11 as we do, thus it is important to continue to honor and respect, As hard as it is to Take care of 10 to 15 people in a very important ceremony, Tessa Samano Continues to feel that it is there duty to pay respects and some how get other schools involved.

A few new members in the Saber team were very happy to share how the experience felt, Maritza Ramirez expressed "it felt very cool and special to be part of the ceremony and honor the 9/11 victims.

Freshmen survivor guide
1. learn you way around the school so you don't get lost and are on time for class
2. learn the bell schedule
3. try to get out of "middle school mode" , high school passes by fast
4. Lunch lines are crazy, get to cafeteria early, if not your going to have a bad time, probable better to pack your lunch,and no its not "too elementary", it beats passing out from lack of food.

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