Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Issue 2 questions

Johnathan wins honors at competition
1. How does it feel to recive this honor?
2. What piece did you perform?
3. do you prefer guitar or Orchestra?
4. Do you think you can win similar honors with guitar?
Guitar students prepare for Uil  and upcoming concerts
1. This year has been good for the program, with many upcoming concerts, do you feel the class is prepared?
2. How many students will go to Uil this year?
3. do you think that Akins can gain the same honors of previous years, with Javier Saucedos best in class with level one solo the previous year?
4. How does it feel that the ensemble was invited to perform in AISD's  farewell to retired members of the board?
Can Food Drive
1. How do you thnk we can inform the school more about how mutch it helps to donate?
2. When can students and teachers start donating?
3. How long do students and teachers have to donate?
4. What foundations does this support?

Vet on campus
1. Do these vets come from other vet clinics or are they self employed to go to agricultural programs at schools?
2. How many people benefit from these visits, how is the turn out of local residents?
3. would you consider this cheaper than the actual vet?
4. Do you feel this will promote local residence that can not afford the expensive vet bills, to come to Akins and get their pet taken care for a reasonable price?

Friday, October 12, 2012

First issue questions

1. What is the number in the upper right corner of your paper?
2. What did you contribute to the paper - and by this I mean, what did you actually get published.
3. How many people contributed to the creation of this paper - you will have to look at each photo, each, story, each piece of art and count? 42
4. What is your favorite photo in the paper? describe it, what page is it on? The photo that stood out to me the most was on the front page, in place for the flip class room, the photo has a student in the comfort of their home stuck on the computer, not on YouTube or Facebook but on a crappy homework sight. Its just a really descriptive photo that is perfectly linked with the story.
5. What is your favorite story in the paper? My favorite story on the news paper, Is about the band Sinsored, and yeah I know its not because I am in the band, but because it is a story that effects me and fellow friends around me, showing something we care about and succeeding in it that's why, not because self promotion or stuff like that but because its a story that shows kids doing something for themselves.
      a. Who wrote it? Savannah Garza
      b. What was it about? Local band made of students
      c. Why is it your favorite?
6. Which is your favorite graphic? why?s My favorite graphic is John Hauser's "Swag kid" on page 2, the reason being, it perfectly describes most of the people that represent that "culture" if you can even call it that.
7. What page looks the best? why? All the pages are great, however The photo essay page on page 10 stands out the most and makes you fell like figuring what the photos are about.
8. What will you do next issue, and be specific, to make it even better than this issue?s
With mistakes and new things I learned from the first issue it would be allot of help to improve this issue, one thing I learned is how to position my quotes and simplify my storys and give more life to my intros.