Monday, May 14, 2012






 Angles and shapes:


Friday, May 4, 2012

Writing a news lead

Rosenberg article:
6 and 10 year old left orphan during cold war after execution of there parents after being accused of being spies.

Super man comic:
Original super man comic to come out of hiding to be priced for $400,000.   

Architecture photos

This photo defines the technique of detail due to the very close up image of the detail of the building you can see all the major detail that in a normal full photo would look like minor detail.

This photo defines the rule of light and gives the photo of the building more dynamics as in how the light is interacting with the building.

This photo of this structure shows the architecture rule of patterns as the structure has repetitive material that makes the structure unique.

Angles and shapes

This photo shows the architecture rule of Angles and shapes as this structure's unique shape gives the structure a "its worth photographing" look  since its not a normal shape.


This photo is a straight definition of the settings architecture rule as its structure's style and many details gives a history of the building its self just by looking at the structure.